Friday 22 April 2011

Lorraine Law

LORRAINE LAW is a self taught jewellery designer who is currently based in Dundee but also has a shop in Perth on Princes Street. After an interview with her in her Dundee store we found out the following.
Q. Why did you decide to have a shop in Dundee?
A. [she] Saw a gap in the market for the business and was
originally from Dundee
Q. Does Dundee influence you’re designing?
A. Yes because of the Different culture not so many constraints and it has a more relaxed and vibrant atmosphere.
Q. Where is your favourite place in Dundee?
A. [Her] house it has a great view also the observatory in Dundee to see the overall view from the top.
Q. Do you have your own website?
A. Yes
Other information we got was that she worked better under pressures, she won an award for Scottish wedding jewellery, every year she chooses a charity and raises money for it and she has been doing this for 4 years.
She is influenced by Mary quant-so different and Zandra Rodes

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